Between this website and my social media posts, you may have noticed that things have become a little scant in recent weeks. Mainly I’ve been slowing down because my family and I have entered a pretty busy holiday season, and between preparing to host for Thanksgiving, hosting Thanksgiving, and now prepping for yet another major holiday and the travel that’s going to come with it, I’ve been kept pretty busy with the general “life stuff.”
And on top of everything else, I have a deadline coming up at the end of the year. Those of you who receive our newsletter are well-aware by now that I have set my sights on finishing all the “Round One” editing for my young adult novel by the end of December. That gives me just enough time to complete one chapter a day… if I can keep my focus!
So, to make a somewhat short story even shorter, after giving it some thought I have decided to call the remainder of 2021 my “Winter Vacation” in order to focus on my loved ones (and that includes my characters!). This means that our newsletter, the blog posts, podcasts and videos, and even our book review will be officially put on hold until the end of the year.
On behalf of the Night Crew, I’d like to thank you all for your patience as we sort through a hectic time, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2022! 😱
— C.M.