If there’s one thing the pandemic and lockdowns have taught me, it’s that no matter how introverted I am, I absolutely cannot stomach being cooped up in my room all the time. Maybe if I had my own home, with even just a small backyard, instead of a cramped apartment space split between two people, I’d feel a bit differently. But I don’t have those things yet. And when it comes down to it, trying to cram rest and relaxation, work, play, and exercise into one room for the majority of my days just doesn’t work well; juggling all these mindsets within a limited space ultimately keeps me awake when I should be sleeping, sleeping when I should be working, sluggish when I should be active, and really just kind of cranky all the time.
So we’re getting an office space! Some very kind people I know had a room that was going unused, and a friend and I are going to convert it into a workspace for our creative projects. Woohoo! A creative space!
I have come to find that there is definitely a delicate balance between work and home life for me, and once they clash it can quickly become stressful. I am very fortunate to have been offered a space where I can keep the “work,” so that by the time I come home, it actually feels like one. Having an office outside of the apartment is also a good excuse to get up and get out–and see at least a little bit more of the world every day than I have been just looking out my bedroom window.
I have a feeling this new arrangement will help spark my creativity and keep me better focused on my daily goals… But I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see!
— C.M.
Wonderful! I hope this change will help you to sleep better at night again!!
Thank you, Care Bear! I love the way you live up to your name 😀