ALWAYS Carry a Notebook

From my own personal experience, I cannot stress this writing tip enough. I don’t care how good your memory is: if you think of something, write it down. I don’t care how small or simple the idea seems at first glance: write it down. Ideas fly through our minds so quickly and furiously that if…

Take a Break (Between Edits)

Oftentimes with our art we become too close to a project to truly look it over with a critical eye. But as artists, we are frequently our first critics. And especially with something like writing, even after the pencil is put down there is still so much that needs to be taken into consideration. Once…

Stop Short

Another one of those pieces of writing advice that might be hard to achieve, but works well once executed, is stopping yourself in the middle of a segment you really want to write. Much of author life is dragging your feet through all the less exciting chapters and getting to the good stuff. And once…

Compression (AKA: Five Word Dialogue)

Oftentimes when we set out to write a story or a screenplay, dialogue proves difficult to handle. Sometimes it’s unrealistic; sometimes it’s unnecessary. And sometimes it’s too much, usually in the way of serving up exposition to your audience or trying to make issues as crystal clear as possible. But this often bogs down your…