
This is a poem I wrote in my early days away at college. Some fellow creative writing students were putting together a school magazine called “Closely Lit,” and the theme for their first volume was “Simultaneous.” This poem was the result of considering the word and what it meant to me. It was later published within that volume! (FYI, “Taijitu” is the term for the Chinese symbol of Yin and Yang.)

— C.M.

Poems for Life, Poems for Death

For anyone who remembers my blog about how I write poetry (https://www.nocturnalmind.net/the-streetlight/limitation-in-poetry/): I’ve recently had an obsession with haikus. Both of these poems started out with a basic haiku format, which I later tweaked / stretched out slightly. The first poem was inspired by my joy in receiving fresh flowers (and my later despair), and the other was inspired by my Valentine <3 I'm debating putting together a chapbook in this style--maybe, in the style of "Roses," something about nature? — C.M.


Another poor victim of my “writing for the sake of publishing” phase. I decided to try my hand at a short, romantic holiday piece. In the moment it seemed cute, but looking back it is definitely high on the cheese and too on the nose with the dialogue… Plus, a lot of telling vs. showing. VERY Hallmark-y, especially with the Christmas theme attached. Still, I like the potential it has to be something truly heartfelt. So I’m considering it first draft material–worthy of a second look further down the line. Perhaps something I could have polished up and shining for next year…

— C.M.