‘Salem’s Lot
A ghoulish tale for the spooky season! I’m a little late to the party with this author, but surely in this instance late is better than never.
— C.M.
A ghoulish tale for the spooky season! I’m a little late to the party with this author, but surely in this instance late is better than never.
— C.M.
It took me years to finally get to this classic, but it was well worth the wait!
— C.M.
Another great read that I often return to. Most people are probably more familiar with the movie, but the book is a definite gem worth checking out.
— C.M.
The next Summer Re-Read on my list, circa July 2017. An enjoyable story that brought me to a surprising conclusion…
— C.M.
This review is from a segment I began on my blog back in 2017. At the time, I thought it might be fun to look back at books I enjoyed as a young reader and see if and how my perspectives of them have changed. What better time to revisit a good story than during the long and beautiful summer months?
— C.M.