We Are the Song
An interesting concept and another atmospheric, winter-y read. It also has a lot to say about where true faith and belief comes from. But, is it one that I will come back and read again and again?
An interesting concept and another atmospheric, winter-y read. It also has a lot to say about where true faith and belief comes from. But, is it one that I will come back and read again and again?
A beautiful story about empathy and how all things are connected. Perhaps another one that is more suited to a younger audience than myself, but nonetheless a story that I completely adored.
A fun collection of stories all about the pains and wonders of growing up, with the perfect blend of magic and the supernatural thrown in. Ideal for a quiet, chilly October night.
A wonderfully dark, but also hopeful story, akin to a modern fairy tale. I’m going to quote NPR on this one and tell you right now: you’re going to want to clear your schedule before you pick it up.
A fun, imaginative, and romantic story that I have returned to time and again, and will continue to do so as the years pass. Yet another one that is a bit “young” for the average adult reader…but as long as you’re still young at heart, it certainly doesn’t matter.