Cemetery Boys
A book with a great overall concept and a beautiful message… but with writing that I would have gladly slashed through with my little red editing pen if I had the chance.
A book with a great overall concept and a beautiful message… but with writing that I would have gladly slashed through with my little red editing pen if I had the chance.
A fun mystery full of unique characters and a vast array of magical worlds with doors that are yet to be discovered. I am looking forward to exploring the sequels in the future.
An old favorite of mine that was initially a reluctant choice for a high school English assignment. Thought-provoking, dark, and sometimes devastating, it’s not exactly my first choice for beach reading. However, it does bring to mind the slow, inevitable decay of the world around us as summer makes its gradual turn to fall.
Another favorite of mine that dates back to elementary school. As a young girl who often dreamed of sailing the seven seas (but on a pirate ship, of course), I deeply enjoyed living vicariously through Charlotte Doyle, page by page.
One of my favorites, dating all the way back to elementary school. Though it’s the second book in a series, it easily stands on its own as a haunting and memorable adventure story, perfect for reading on the beach and wondering what lies beneath the waves….