The Way Forward…

Here is a quick tip that has proven to be extremely helpful for me with my latest writing. On the horrible occasion when you suddenly find yourself stuck on a scene, before you resort to other “writer’s block tactics,” consider this: there is a problem a few sentences back. I can’t remember if I heard…

Blortag, His Sneeze Held In

My favorite Star Trek episode of all time is “Darmok,” in which Captain Picard and the Enterprise crew encounter an alien race that communicates entirely through metaphors and allegories. Near the end of the episode, Picard and the other ship’s captain end up exchanging stories from their home worlds in order to establish a way…

Thoughts on Suspension of Disbelief

I am currently reading a book called “The Summer Tree,” by Guy Gavriel Kay, and I was nervous about it. One reason being that it is an older, very high fantasy that has been described in a similar vein as The Lord of the Rings series. And while I love the fantasy genre, especially high…

The Writer is Not the Narrator

As a writer, I often pick and choose from little fragments of my life and insert them into a story. I think it’s something all creators do, really. Firstly, because real life is such a grand mixture of beauty and chaos that it’s the perfect outlet for inspiration. And secondly, because we can’t help ourselves.…

We Are the Song

An interesting concept and another atmospheric, winter-y read. It also has a lot to say about where true faith and belief comes from. But, is it one that I will come back and read again and again?