My Writing Fears

With any creative endeavor there comes some amount of risk. For the most part there is not much I can name in the way of “dangerous” risks–especially not unavoidable ones–but every artist has a lot riding on their work, and they are frequently placed in situations that can lead to heavy judgement. When you share…

Summer Re-Read #2: Deep Wizardry

One of my favorites, dating all the way back to elementary school. Though it’s the second book in a series, it easily stands on its own as a haunting and memorable adventure story, perfect for reading on the beach and wondering what lies beneath the waves….

Little Chaos

I read something once about a teacup spilling across a table. It was a non-fiction, science-based piece, and the point the writer was making overall was that from our typical day-to-day perspectives, spilling tea is a somewhat quick and small (if frustrating) event—but if we were to bring our attention to a molecular level, the…