Raining Cats and Dogs

For those of us that might need the reminder, an “idiom” is a linguistic expression which takes a phrase that may mean one thing literally, and gives it an entirely different meaning. We’ve heard most if not all of them throughout our lives, and so without having to even think about it the actual meanings…

Summer Re-Read #2: Beauty

It’s a tale as old as time, but can this retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” hold up for a modern audience? There is a lot to like about this book, but there are also some aspects of it that are… questionable to me. What say you? Give it a read, and let us know!

— C.M.

Find A Place

We’ve said it often enough before that sometimes a change of view is the best remedy for a lack of inspiration. But for many writers there is more to this advice than just having an excuse to get out of the house every once in a while. Different places can awaken the imagination in different…