
Another poor victim of my “writing for the sake of publishing” phase. I decided to try my hand at a short, romantic holiday piece. In the moment it seemed cute, but looking back it is definitely high on the cheese and too on the nose with the dialogue… Plus, a lot of telling vs. showing. VERY Hallmark-y, especially with the Christmas theme attached. Still, I like the potential it has to be something truly heartfelt. So I’m considering it first draft material–worthy of a second look further down the line. Perhaps something I could have polished up and shining for next year…

— C.M.

Newsflash: Human Rights Day

For many people around the world, December is a time to reflect on colored lights and bright wrapping paper; candles, snow, the smell of baked cookies, family and friends, and the spirit of giving. But while December is most often dedicated to the many holidays that inhabit it, there is one particular day of the…