Happy New Year, Night Owls!
Let’s be frank: we’re all happy to finally be saying goodbye to 2020. But whether or not the previous year was collectively the worst year of all our lives, every January 1st offers us a chance to reevaluate ourselves. Most notably, the goals that we have for the coming year.
The Night Crew has never been the best at New Year’s Resolutions, but since starting Nocturnal Mind we’ve been inclined to stop and think about the many different goals we have for ourselves as creators. And while 2020 was more of a curse than a blessing, especially for anyone trying to start a business, 2021 has given us hope for a fresh start. At the risk of sounding too optimistic, or stating our “famous last words,” as it were, we are looking forward to a year that is much more carefree and less mentally and physically draining than the last (knock on wood). And as part of this optimism, we’re expecting the next year to be a lot smoother when it comes to meeting our personal goals.
We’ve already set due dates for some of our larger projects, but on the side we are also hoping to 1) draw in more visitors to Nocturnal Mind, 2) officially publish at least one thing (be it a chapbook, short story or a book-length piece), 3) read more POC and #ownvoices literature, and 4) to overall be less hard on ourselves, which is something we greatly struggled with over the course of 2020.
May the previous year burn to ashes in the glorious inferno it deserves, and may 2021 continue to shine through with the positive light and potential for betterment that we’re expecting from it right here, on its very first day.
Love to all,
The Night Crew
C.M., C.O., C.Q.
Night Owls, tell us about your own goals for this year. What are you most hoping to achieve?