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Every Heart A Doorway

A fun mystery full of unique characters and a vast array of magical worlds with doors that are yet to be discovered. I am looking forward to exploring the sequels in the future.

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My Own Kind of Magic

I want to tell you a story. When I was a senior in high school, I took a ceramics class with a couple of my friends. It was a third period class, early in the day, and afterward we would all have to go our separate ways again to our fourth period classes. Usually, one…

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The Problem with Writing Advice

There’s a specific part about my line of work that I just don’t get sometimes. And it’s ironic, because there have already been a number of occasions where I have partaken in this confusing aspect of creativity myself—specifically when it comes to creative writing. But in spite of having my own small part to play,…

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“When I sit down to the page, I’m not an author trying to pen a book. I’m a human trying to channel a story that demands to be told.”
– J.C. Cervantes

Writing Prompt

Further Perspective…

I know we have talked a lot about perspective through these writing prompts… But that’s just because there is so much you can do with…

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Writing Tips & Tricks