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The Weird Things We Do

I once had a writing professor tell the class in the midst of promoting a local event: “If you can’t sneak into a school auditorium, you’re not fit to be a writer.” As a writer who just finds it simple common courtesy to pay the fee at the door, I can still appreciate the mindset…

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Lessons in Creative Writing: Points of View

Just recently I was speaking with someone about my novel, and the subject of different points of view (or POVs, as someone more familiar with the jargon may put it) came up. And in the moment, I had to remember that not everyone went to school to study literature and writing like I did. So,…

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The Monologuing Villain

I swear I’m not going to do this every time now, but hey, if I feel inspired to make a meme, I am going to make a meme. Anyway. Clearly I have been thinking about villains lately (and what better time to think about them than during the spooky season?), and it has come to…

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“A poem cannot stop a bullet. A novel can’t defuse a bomb. But we are not helpless. We can sing the truth and name the liars.”
– Salman Rushdie

Writing Prompt

Epic Poem

Quite often in fantasy books the author will include a song / poem at the beginning or between chapters in order to set the scene…

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Writing Tips & Tricks

Dialogue First

Setting the scene around your characters is always an important step in creating a story that comes alive for your readers. However, sometimes—especially during the…

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